Thursday, November 30, 2006

Only 1 native reptile, plus 1 recent arrival

Ireland has only one native reptile, the common lizard. While thought to be widespread in Ireland, to confirm this and pinpoint their most frequented habitats, the Irish Wildlife Trust is doing a National Lizard Survey. Anyone can take part - just don't confuse it with the smooth newt!

Slow worms were introduced to Ireland
Our second reptile, the slow worm (a legless lizard) is a recent arrival to Ireland. Many sources still claim that it is absent from Ireland, but it has been spotted in parts of the Burren in Co. Clare. It is a protected species in the UK.

The island of ireland

Once upon a time, and for 15000 years, ice a mile high blanketed Ireland. When the lingering Ice Age finally released and the Irish ice departed it left a landscape scoured. Across land bridges linking Ireland, Britain and mainland Europe plants and animals arrived to colonise the new lowlands, mountains and valleys. The world’s ice continued to melt, the sea levels to rise, and some 8000 years ago Ireland became the island we now know, accounting for just 0.01% of the world's total land area and the most westerly point of Europe.

Though at Alaskan latitudes, the country's climate is tempered, due partly to the neighbouring waters of the Gulf Stream and partly the prevailing southwesterlies that veering and backing make landfall on our sodden coast. These offerings from the Atlantic mean it is never too hot, never too cold. But without doubt it is wet. Rain lingers year round, never far away, though is most frequent in winter, the western counties and, inevitably, on the day of your parade.