Saturday, December 02, 2006

Ireland has 12 of 13 major European wild brown trout habitats

Ireland has 12 of the 13 significant natural wild brown trout lakes that remain in Europe. These rare and relatively large lakes have certain characteristics that, since the last ice age, have made them the perfect habitat for wild brown trout: alkaline, unpolluted and with extensive shallow areas and an abundance of insect life.

The Corrib river and lake system in the West of Ireland harbours the largest and most important of these 12 lakes: Loughs Corrib, Mask and Carra. These, the Great Western Lakes, have a surface area of 265 sq km and constitute an environmental resource of major international importance.

Depressed brown trout stocks
A scientific survey indicating that wild brown stocks were depressed prompted the establishment of wild brown trout development programmes for these lakes. The programme aims to implement measures to foster the growth of wild brown trout stocks. It addresses water quality and environmental issues by facilitating riverine surveys, river and stream development and stock management.

You can find out more on the Western Regional Fisheries Board website

The island of ireland

Once upon a time, and for 15000 years, ice a mile high blanketed Ireland. When the lingering Ice Age finally released and the Irish ice departed it left a landscape scoured. Across land bridges linking Ireland, Britain and mainland Europe plants and animals arrived to colonise the new lowlands, mountains and valleys. The world’s ice continued to melt, the sea levels to rise, and some 8000 years ago Ireland became the island we now know, accounting for just 0.01% of the world's total land area and the most westerly point of Europe.

Though at Alaskan latitudes, the country's climate is tempered, due partly to the neighbouring waters of the Gulf Stream and partly the prevailing southwesterlies that veering and backing make landfall on our sodden coast. These offerings from the Atlantic mean it is never too hot, never too cold. But without doubt it is wet. Rain lingers year round, never far away, though is most frequent in winter, the western counties and, inevitably, on the day of your parade.