Designation of protected areas in Ireland:
- SCIs - Each EU Member state, including Ireland, is required under the Habitats Directive to prepare and propose a national list of sites to be evaluated for inclusion in a European network of Sites of Community Importance (SCIs).
- SACs - The SCIs are then designated by Member States as Special Areas of Conservation (SACs)
- SPAs - these are Special Protection Areas classified under the EC Birds Directive
- Natura 2000 - together, SACs and Spas form an ecological network of protected areas known as the Natura 2000 network.
- Ramsar sites - internationally important wetland areas as designated under the Ramsar Convention.
- SSSIs - Sites of Special Scientific Interest are a nationally important conservation designation that may be applied to SCIs, SACs, SPAs, Natura 2000 or any other site that gives them extra protection. SSSIs are a foundation for nature conservation legislation upon which many other legal conservation designations including Ramsar Sites, SPAs, SACs and nature reserves are based.