"With 21 out of the 28 Irish resident breeding butterfly species finding refuge here, including the endangered Marsh Fritillary, this fragile wetland habitat is exceptional in Ireland... The remoteness of the bog is a double-edged sword. On the one hand it's fantastic for wildlife watching, but on the other it allows unscrupulous people to undertake anti-social activities at our bog, such as dumping, quad biking and tree felling."
In response the IPCC have developed a management plan to guide activities at the 4.5 hectare site for the next five years (to 2012). Plans include
- providing fencing, information signs and visitor guidance;
- carrying out habitat and species mapping and
- setting up a long term butterfly transect to enable ongoing monitoring.
You can find out more, see photos and donate to the Lullymore West project.
Other sources indicate that there are actually closer to 31 species of butterfly in Ireland.