According to Dr Mary Kelly, director general, EPA "Integration of environmental considerations into national and sectoral policies and plans is absolutely essential given the nature of the environmental challenges that we now face."
She says that, in the face of international environmental targets and deadlines, "An immediate push is now needed if Ireland is to meet its environmental commitments,"
"Many different sectors contribute, directly or indirectly, to the pressures on the environment - and this means that many of the targets can only be reached if the environment is considered equally with the economic and social agendas at policy level."
The EPA's third 'Environment in Focus' report (September 2006) reiterates a number of deadlines which Ireland has to meet in coming years. These include
- Kyoto Protocol, 2008 to 2012 period: Ireland is committed to limit greenhouse gases to 13 per cent above 1990 levels. Greenhouse gas emissions stand at 23.1% above 1990 levels (2004 figures).
- EU national emissions ceiling Directive, by 2010: Ireland is required to cap emissions of four gases (sulphur dioxide, ammonia, volatile organic compounds and nitrogen oxides). Limiting nitrogen oxides, generated by traffic, will pose the greatest challenge.
- Water Framework Directive, 2015: All water bodies in the state should achieve good status. Almost 30% of rivers fall short of this.
- Landfill Directive, 2010, 2013, 2016: Landfilling must be reduced progressively to 35 per cent of the quantity of biodegradable waste - paper, cardboard, food wastes and garden wastes - generated in 1995.
Find out more:
- Read the key findings of 'Environment in Focus' (part of an EPA press release)
- Read the full 'Environment in Focus' report