The project will review winter and summer distributions of birds, thus providing valuable evidence of how birds are faring in their fast-changing urban and rural landscape. Meanwhile, you can:
- use previously completed atlases to view and compare the distribution of breeding birds species in Ireland in 1968-72 and 1988-91 or to view the winter distribution of bird species in Ireland during the winters of 1981-82 and 1983-84
- take a training session in spring 2007 so you can volunteer to help with atlas fieldwork. Contact Birdwatch Ireland on tel: 01-2819878 or email info@birdwatchireland.ie.
The new atlas is being developed by Birdwatch Ireland, the British Trust for Ornithology and the Scottish Ornithologists Club with support from Ireland's Heritage Council and the National Parks and Wildlife Service and Northern Ireland's Environment and Heritage Services.