Three species of swan occur in Ireland the Whooper, Mute and Bewick. Of the five breeding populations of whooper swan (found from the Mediterranean to Asia) those that choose to overwinter in Ireland hail from Icelandic stock.
Starting early November, they make landfall in such places as Loughs Swilly and Foyle in Counties Donegal and Derry. From these northern regions, they disperse south along the coast, and to inland freshwater lakes, marshes and farmland.
In January 1995, Ireland's seasonal population of whooper swans was estimated at 16000 birds. It is said that 5 per cent of the world's whooper swan overwinter in Upper Lough Earne in County Fermanagh and 6 per cent at Lough Neagh, in County Tyrone. Open fields, meadows and bogs near Newgrange in County Meath also provide wintering grounds for a flock of between 30 and 230 swans. In spring they turn tail again, leaving Ireland for Iceland.
- Listen to the Mooney Goes Wild radio programme 'The Whooper Swan - from Iceland to Ireland' (listed on the page as programme 4)
- What birds to see where and when - Birdwatching in Northern Ireland