According to Peter Doran, a member of Northern Ireland's Local Agenda 21 Advisory Group:
Local Agenda 21 is about bringing the United Nations 'Earth Summits' (Rio in 1992 and New York in 1997) home to our communities.He has written an article entitled What is Local Agenda 21? which includes a list of 14 target achievements of the initiative. Closest to Only One Ireland's heart is that:
The diversity of nature is valued and protected.
Find out more about Ireland's progress on Agenda 21.
How is Ireland progressed Agenda 21 since 1992?
Read a Short Analysis of the State of Ireland in terms of Agenda 21, or an extended summary by the Environmental Protection Agency or the UN's review of Ireland's progress on Agenda 21. Read about The Irish Response to Agenda 21 and all-Ireland cross border Agenda 21 reviews and initiatives (PDF) .
Information on Agenda 21 is also provided by the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government
Who runs it?
In Ireland, Agenda 21 officers are engaged to coordinates work on the plan for each local authority for instance read about Meath's Local Agenda 21 and Dublin City's Local Agenda 21.
Dublin City also has an Environmental Partnership Fund