- NHAs - Natural Heritage Areas
A basic wildlife designation. Many NHAs overlap with SACs or SPAs. There are 802 that don't, covering 1,130 square kilopmeters. - SACs - Special Areas of Conservation
Prime wildlife conservation areas, of importance in Irish and/or European context. These are selected and designated under the EU Habitats Directive and transposed into Irish law in the European Union (Natural Habitats) Regulations, 1997. Ireland has 381 candidate Special Areas of Conservation, covering circa 10,000 square kilometres. Approximately 25 SACs are also designated SPAs. View map of Irelands Special Areas of Conservation. - SPAs - Special Protection Areas
Primarily areas of importance to birds. Designated under the EU Birds Directive. 110 SPAs have been designated, with a further 25 proposed. View map of Ireland's Special Protected Areas.
Find out more at:
- Botanic Garden's Protected Areas in Ireland
- Environmental Protection Agency's page on Ireland's Protected Areas