The Environmental Protection Agency has launched its 66 page '
Water quality in Ireland 2006 - Key Indicators of the Aquatic Environment' report.

Having monitored Ireland's surface and ground waters between 2004 and 2006, it shows "an improvement in river and lake water quality, but poorer quality in some groundwaters". Findings included that:
- River channel: 71% was of satisfactory water quality.
- Lake surface: 92% was of satisfactory water quality.
- Estuarine/coastal water bodies: 19% were eutrophic; 3% were potentially eutrophic.
- Groundwater samples: 57% contaminated by faecal coliforms; 25% exceeded the national guideline value for nitrate concentration for drinking water, and 2% breached the mandatory limit.
- Fish kills: fewer than in 2005, but still unreasonably high.
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