- Common Blue
- Holly Blue
- Small Blue
- Green Hairstreak
- Purple Hairstreak
- Brown Hairstreak
- Small Copper
- Dingy Skipper
- Meadow Brown
- Ringlet
- Wall Brown
- Speckled Wood
- Grayling
- Small Heath
- Large Heath
- Gatekeeper
- Small White
- Large White
- Green-veined White
- Wood White
- Orange Tip
- Brimstone
- Clouded Yellow
- Small Tortoiseshell
- Peacock
- Red Admiral
- Painted Lady
- Silver-washed Fritillary
- Dark Green Fritillary
- Pearl-bordered Fritillary
- Marsh Fritillary
Find out more on Ireland's butterflies:
- See photos, read information on and find out where to spot all these butterfly species at
- Buy the Millennium Atlas of Butterflies in Britain and Ireland the most comprehensive survey of butterflies ever undertaken in Britain and Ireland
- Visit Butterfly Ireland for distribution maps and photographs of Irish butterflies, caterpillars and pupae.
- Visit this UK focused website - a good source of information on butterfly species that are also found in Ireland